My Perfect Pico de Gallo

I love chips and salsa. At parties, I am the person who stands by the food table with no self-control with the chips and salsa. That is how much I love chips and salsa! There could be worse things to love that much. Because of my love from salsa, I put it on everything: eggs, rice, nachos, tacos. People personally request my Pico de Gallo, probably because of my “secret ingredient”. It is so easy to make, there is no excuse to get the store-bought stuff. It can be time-consuming with all the chopping and dicing but I find that kind of therapeutic.



3-4 Roma tomatoes (more depending on how many people you are making it for)


¼ of a Red Onion Diced

2 cloves of garlic

1 Jalapeño (if you want it mild no seeds, like it hot? Seeds in!)

Salt and Pepper

1 lime, juiced

½ a shot of tequila (my now not so secret ingredient)


Take the seeds out of the tomatoes and chop them up with the cilantro, dice the red onions and mince the garlic and the jalapeño. Mix it in a bowl and season with salt and pepper. Juice the lime and toss in the shot of tequila, mix it all up and serve right away or let it chill in the fridge for a few. Use it on top of your eggs or by itself with a big bag of your favourite tortilla chips.



2 Comments Add yours

  1. Margaret Needham says:

    Ayoub should give your GPa some credit because tequila was his secret ingredient as well!

    Sent from Marg’s IPad



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